Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Winners

1991 Louis H. Sharpe, Consultant
for his service to the international adhesion community as a teacher, counselor, scientist, and especially as a leader in establishing the Science of Adhesion

1992 George F. Hardy, Hoescht Celanese
for his role in founding the Society and for his untiring efforts as Treasurer and counselor during its first decade

1992 Leighton H. Peebles, Office of Naval Research
for his long term service to the Society and for his lasting national and international impact on adhesion science through his championing of its cause

1994 Lieng-Huang (Sam) Lee, Xerox
for exceptional and meritorious contributions to our understanding and knowledge of adhesion

1994 Kashmiri Mittal, IBM
Educator/Lecturer, Symposium Organizer and Editor of Books and Journals which have stimulated unparalleled communication and education about adhesion and adhesives

1994 James P. Wightman, Virginia Tech
for outstanding contributions to the adhesive community as a teacher, researcher, and leader

1995 Alan N. Gent, Goodyear Tire and Rubber
for fundamental contributions to the physics of adhesives

1995 Anthony J. Kinloch, Imperial College
for exceptional contributions to the field of adhesion science through research, teaching and leadership

1995 Terry L. St. Clair, NASA-Langley Research Center
for meritorious contributions to high performance polymeric materials and for the transfer of that knowledge to the
world-wide adhesion community

1996 Guy D. Davis, DACCO SCI, INC.
for outstanding research on surfaces and interfaces and service to The Adhesion Society

1997 F. James Boerio, University of Cincinnati
in recognition of excellence as an educator and scientist and outstanding contributions to both The Adhesion Society and the adhesion community

1998 Henry P. Schreiber, Ecole Polytechnique
in recognition of outstanding contributions to The Adhesion Society and the adhesion science community as a researcher, educator and scholar

1999 James P. Bell, University of Connecticut
for distinguished contributions to the field of adhesion science through forty years of outstanding research, dedicated teaching and pivotal role in the evolvement of The Adhesion Society

1999 Ahmad Busnaina, Clarkson University
for his contributions in the areas of particle adhesion, surface contamination and cleaning, and semiconductor device fabrication

1999 Donald L. Hunston, NIST
for fundamental contributions to the mechanics of failure of adhesives and interfaces, and outstanding service to The Adhesion Society

2000 Gary Hamed, University of Akron
for outstanding research on adhesion and tack of elastomers and for service to The Adhesion Society

2000 Alphonsus V. Pocius, 3M Adhesive Technologies Center
for his diverse contributions to both the practical aspects of adhesive development and the fundamentals of adhesion science

2000 Donald Rimai, NexPress Solutions
for fundamental contribution to the science of particle adhesion, outstanding contributions to the electrophoto-graphic technology and outstanding service to The Adhesion Society

2001 John G. Dillard, Virginia Tech
for significant contributions to the adhesion community worldwide as a researcher and teacher

2002 Kenneth M. Liechti, University of Texas at Austin
for outstanding contributions to the fracture mechanics of adhesive bonds

2002 David Quesnel, University of Rochester
for contributions to the fundamentals of particle adhesion

2003 Larry Drzal, Michigan State University
for seminal contributions in the field of composite materials and adhesion science and for meritorious service to The Adhesion Society

2004 Ray A. Dickie, Ford Motor Company (retired)
for outstanding fundamental and applied research on adhesion problems in connection with the automotive industry and distinguished service to The Adhesion Society

2004 David A. Dillard, Virginia Tech
for contributions that have increased our understanding of the mechanics of adhesive joints and for his continuing support of the adhesion science community

2005 Paul Clark, Henkel
in recognition of outstanding contributions to the adhesion community through his long service as Treasurer of The Adhesion Society, and his key role in establishing and implementing the Society’s annual award for Distinguished Student Paper

2005 Liliane Leger, University of Paris
for introducing valuable physical principles to the field of adhesion and for addressing fundamental scientific questions through elegant experimentation

2006 Giles Dillingham, Brighton Technologies Group Inc.
for outstanding service to the adhesion community by directing the local arrangements for numerous highly successful annual meetings of The Adhesion Society

2006 Thomas C. Ward, Virginia Tech
for his research contributions to fundamental knowledge of the physical properties of polymers and adhesives; for his dedication and excellence in teaching in the polymer and adhesion community; and, for his service to The Adhesion Society

2006 John Watts, University of Surrey
for seminal work in the application of surface analysis methods to studies of adhesion phenomena

2007 Lynn Penn, Drexel University
for pioneering research on the effect of chemical modification of fiber and particle surfaces on the strength of adhesion, and for outstanding service to the adhesion science community

2008 Greg Anderson, ATK Launch Systems
for selflessly giving his time, skill, and good judgment in service to The Adhesion Society, and for outstanding contribution to the adhesion community as a whole

2008 Manoj Chaudhury, Lehigh University
for recognition of fundamental contributions to our understanding of adhesion, friction, and surface interactions of soft matter

2009 Kenneth R. Shull, Northwestern University
for outstanding contributions to the understanding of polymer adhesion, the surface and interfacial structure of the polymeric materials and the mechanics of soft materials

2010 Tinh Nguyen, NIST
for outstanding contributions to the field of adhesion, particularly studies on interface modification and characterization in adhesives and nano-composite systems

2010 Robert D. Adams, University of Bristol
for meritorious services to the international adhesion community as an educator, author, editor, researcher, and contributor of engineering insights in the mechanics of adhesive bonding

2012 Dave Reedy, Sandia National Laboratories
for pioneering experiments and analytical approaches leading to an enhanced understanding of adhesion at the nanometer and micrometer scales

2013 Jose Miguel Martin-Martinez, University of Alicante
for fundamental and applied research on the interfacial chemistry of adhesion in a number of important areas related to adhesion in polymer and inorganic systems

2014 Timothy E. Long, Virginia Tech
for his unique ability to create novel polymers of significant importance and enthusiastically convey polymer and adhesion science fundamentals

2015 Chuck Extrand, Colder Products Company
in recognition of his extensive contributions to wetting, adhesion science and the society

 2018 David  Yarusso           
for his outstanding contributions to the field of industrial pressure sensitive adhesion, a preeminent rheologist and an exemplary teacher

 2020 Chuck Shuster, Franklin International          
in recognition of significant contributions to adhesives technology, adhesion science, and service to the Adhesion Society

 2021 Nick Shephard, Dow 
in recognition of  innovative approaches to industrial adhesives testing, product development and dedicated services to the Adhesion Society and greater community

2022 Anand Jagota, Lehigh University; Leonardo Lopez-Dow and Albert Everaerts

2024 Grace Wan, Dow
in recognition of innovative approaches to sustainable adhesive technologies and dedicated service to the Adhesion Society and greater scientific community
2024 Bamber Blackman
for his extensive and detailed research in support of fracture testing, his leadership in the publication of ISO Standards through which adhesion and adhesive properties are measured, and his leadership and service to the Society

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