Early Career Award Guidelines

Outstanding Early Career Adhesion Scientist Award Purpose:
To recognize a young scientist or engineer for conducting outstanding and fundamental research in adhesion science. The award shall consist of a $1,000 cash prize, a presentation plaque given to the awardee, and an engraved name plate that will be added to a perpetual award board that The Adhesion Society shall create and maintain.

Rules and Eligibility
A nominee must be an early career scientist or engineer who has contributed in an outstanding and innovative way to the progress of adhesion science research; the work should have a significant interdisciplinary aspect. To be eligible, the nominee must not be more than 10 years past their terminal degree, and untenured (if in a tenure-track position) at the application deadline. In cases of question, the Honorifics Committee decides on eligibility. Time for approved leave is excluded from the number of years post terminal degree. Serving on the Executive Committee would not remove eligibility for award. The award will be presented annually at The Adhesion Society meeting, subject to continued funding by the sponsor and the identification of a suitably qualified recipient. The awardee will be expected to deliver an oral presentation at the annual meeting at which the award is conferred. A nominee need not be a member of the Adhesion Society or the Adhesive and Sealant Council, and nominees of any nationality are eligible. A nominee may work in either the private or public sector (e.g. industry, academia, government, non-governmental organization). The award will not be made in absentia except under extenuating circumstances, and requires approval by The Adhesion Society’s Executive Committee.

The following is required for nomination for the award:

  1. A statement by one (1) nominator supporting the candidate’s suitability for the award with respect to:
    • Innovative and creative nature of the candidate’s work
    • Interdisciplinary character of the candidate’s work
    • Potential shown by the candidate as a future leader in the field of adhesion science
  2. Supporting information and documents; e.g., curriculum vitae including first permanent position hire date and a current publication list. Up to three important papers relevant to the award contribution may also be included.
  3. Two separate letters of support from two (2) established scientists familiar with the nominee s qualifications and area of research. Only two such letters will be accepted with each.

Deadline and Procedure for Submission of Nominations

All materials comprising a nomination package, including the support letters, must be submitted electronically (PDF files preferred) by the nominator. Nomination packages for the Early Career Scientist Award should be submitted to Joelle Frechette and Nick Shephard by February 7th, to be eligible for consideration to receive the award at the following meeting. Nominations will remain active for three (3) years or until the individual exceeds the time restriction limit.

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